The Library

The idea for this blog first arose when one of my lectures at university asked us to write a blog as our assessed piece of work in our Myth and Mythology module. I adored this module and I enjoyed writing these blog posts so much that I decided to set up 'A sense of Djehuty' as an official blog so I can continue writing about and sharing the topics I love most. 

Scroll down to find your favourite of my Intellectual explorations


Where it all started ...

I want my first post of academic writing to be the blog posts I wrote back in my second year of university.  This collection of blog posts all revolved around the theme of Love and Sexuality and how this was represented through out different elements of classical mythology, these topics include Ancient cults, Childrens Literature and more.

I hope that as readers you enjoy my first attempts at blog writing.

A Long Time Coming … 

Top or Bottom - Modern Vs Ancient View Points of Homosexual Relationships & Masculinity

In February I was listening to music and all of a sudden I heard something … "I'm a dick and you suck, otherwise one has nothing to do with the other"...

Now, I know what you are going to say... "why are you talking about a vulgar line from a random Eminem song on a classics blog?" - and my answer would be: Why did Eminem say this in the first place? what was the motive behind these lyrics? - those were the questions I asked myself when I heard these lyrics that random night, having heard them for the 1000th time. It also reminded me of a piece of famous oratory I read: the case 'Against Timarchus' by Aeschines.

This may sound convoluted but I hope you enjoy my interpretation of how I believe Eminem and Aeschines have very similar motives behind their very different works.



By Phoebe Harris

Web Design - By Alex Dillon

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