A Sense of Djehuty


Explore Bygone Civilisations

Egypt, Greece, Rome - these are the big three when it comes to the study of Classical Civilisations - don't get me wrong, I love these cultures and the influence they have had on everyday life for centuries, and I plan to discuss these great cultures ALOT. 

However, there is also SO many cultures that, unless you go looking for, don't get discussed as frequently.

I want this space to explore all cultures and topics from around the world and from throughout early history - From Greece and Rome to China and Turkey and even Scandinavia and beyond ...

"Aiming to make Classics more Accessible"

I know so many people who love classics - the mythology, the story telling and the artistry of their every day lives - but become intimidated by the academia.

Why should classics only be accessible to those who have excelled academically?

I want this space to invite, welcome and share my passion for Classical Civilisations with anyone and everyone who also shares my love for this subject - no matter how accomplised.

By Phoebe Harris

Web Design - By Alex Dillon

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